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”When my boys started at New Heights they were reading below grade level, not testing at grade level and were very distracted children. That was 3rd grade & kindergarten. Now a junior & 8th grader, the junior has not missed a day of school since he started New Heights. And both are both getting A’s and B’s a crossed the board. I can’t say enough on how successful my kids are. And the great relationships they have with their teachers. Its an AWESOME school.”  

                                                                                                                                              -A Parent

“New Heights School is great. My Daughter Started in 1st Grade and has made a huge difference in her learning. She now loves to go to school. She even fights to go if she is sick. I have never seen a school so involved with everyone students and parents. Thank you New Heights!”

                                                                                                                                               -A Parent

"All the teachers are like my friends.  It's a better learning environment for me."

                                                                                                                                               -A Student

"I like how the school gives more one-on-one attention.  Since the class sizes can make sure everyone understands before they move on to another subject."

                                                                                                                                               -A Student

"The small class size, multi-age classroom and interaction with other classes has created a sense of community.  We are confident our daughter is with people who know and care about her."

                                                                                                                                               -A Parent

"We've had many parents comment that their children never wanted to go to school at other schools, but at New Heights they look forward to coming every day."

                                                                                                                                               -A Teacher

© 2018 Updated by New Heights School 

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