Next Year: Changes to Calendar and Start and Arrival and Dismissal Times
Many of you are aware, but some are not, that there will be substantial changes to next year’s calendar, as well as to the arrival and dismissal times for all students. New Heights subscribes to Stillwater School District transportation services as well as meals, our school nurse and school psychologist. The district is making a significant change to their school calendar, which means New Heights must also follow that calendar to ensure we are able to offer busing to our eligible families. The first day of school for all grades K-12 is Tuesday August 19th 2025 and the last day(s) of school for students in grades K-5 and 12th will be on Wednesday May 20th 2026, while the last day of school for students in grades 6-11th will be Thursday May 21st, which will be the day students can attend the Valleyfair field trip. This change is significant because school will start and end about two weeks earlier than usual.
New Heights will also be changing our hours of operation from the current building hours to 7:15am-3:15pm. The arrival and dismissal time for students will be 7:55am-2:25pm. Students will be able to enter the building as early as 7:35am and will be expected to have left the building by 2:45pm.